Episode 115: Self-care tips for First-Gen Students

Photo of Sandra Martinez

Going to college is a big milestone, especially for those who are the first in their families to do so. It can be a challenging experience, but with the right mindset and self-care strategies, you can make the most of your time and enjoy the journey.

In this episode of 'How to College: First-Gen,' our host Sandra Fernandez and guest Sandra Martinez discuss practical and effective self-care routines that can benefit first-gen college students. From tips on prioritizing your mental health to creating a positive and supportive network, we cover a wide range of strategies that will help you academically and personally thrive.

Whether you're a first-year student or a senior, you'll find plenty of ideas and inspiration that you can use to stay motivated and focused throughout your college journey. So grab your headphones and join us as we share stories, laughs, and advice on how to take care of yourself as a first-gen college student.

Also, make sure to subscribe to How to College: First Gens so you don't miss an episode!

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Episode 116: Senioritis


Episode 114: Life As A Young Professional