Episode 91: From Spanish Teacher to Instructional Designer

In this episode, Alejandro chats with Francisco about how he leveraged his skills and experiences as a high school Spanish teacher to break into the tech industry.

Francisco is a Learning Experience Manager at a software company in Houston, Texas. He studied International Relations at Carleton College and began his career path as a Spanish teacher. While his tech journey was unique, he brings a wealth of experience and talent to his team. Francisco has also been involved in creative and technical passion projects, like “Sobremesa” - a talk show about Latin culture for novice Spanish language learners. 

When he’s not doing his day job and side projects, Francisco DJs at bars, beer gardens, and clubs throughout the Houston area as a way to explore and share his Afro-Caribbean heritage.

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Episode 92: Business School - Is the debt worth it?


Episode 90: What’s a career in Physical Therapy and is it worth it?