
On our sponsors: Occasional sponsors on our podcast reflect products one of us has tried and can confidently put our name behind. We will never write or speak in our podcast about anything just for the sake of making money. Our first priority is always you, our listener! If you have a sponsor you would like to connect us with, please contact us!

On our content: Please note that your hosts are not college counselors or current professionals in the field of education. Our content should not be used as a replacement for college counseling. We are first-generation college students like the majority of our listeners, and thus we hope that you take our views as what they are: personal lessons learned, opinions, recommendations, and analysis of what it means to be the first one in your family to attend college in the U.S. In the process of creating this podcast and each episode, we are learning more with you. We actually encourage you to find outside resources and help. If you would like to share any resources, potential guests, or feedback, please contact us!