Episode 60: Letters of Recommendation

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Clara is pictured second from the left at the 2016 LSE Annual Cumberland Lodge Conference in Windsor

In this episode, Norma chats with fellow first generation college students about their experiences with letters of recommendations to obtain admissions for colleges and graduate schools. We chat about key elements that make up a great letter, steps to getting letters, and key tips to stay connected to their recommenders. 

In this episode you will hear from: 

  • High school student Sofia who just this past semester successfully started college. She talks about how her recommenders really went above and beyond talking about her academic performance, but also her motivation, commitment, grit, and leadership - which she believes was critical to telling her complete story during the admissions process.  

  • College graduate Erick who is the Founder of Elevate and has successfully helped many first-gen students apply to competitive grad school programs and fellowships for several years. Erick gives his advice on a strategy to pick recommenders, what to include on the letters, and how to nudge recommenders so that they successfully add to the puzzle of graduate admissions.  

Resources Mentioned in the Episode: 

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Episode 61: Writing the College Essay


Episode 59: What’s it like to Study Abroad?