Episode 12: Involving Your Parents in the College Journey


In this episode, Luz chats with fellow first generation college students on the level of involvement their parents took during their educational journeys and the ways we as students can involve our parents and share the journey.

In this episode you will hear from:

-High school student Martha who utilized her high school’s college prep events to help her and her parents learn about the college process together. She kept her parents involved by putting together a plan for her goals that she could share with them. 

-College student Bolivar who didn’t want to stress out and worry his mom and took it upon himself to figure out how to get to college to lay the foundation for his siblings. Although he made a conscious decision of not involving his mom directly in the process, he made sure to keep her posted on his milestones and shared the positive experiences along his journey. 

-Post college student Sandy whose parents had always emphasized the importance of college and were with her every step of the way. She kept them involved in her journey through college, the workforce, and business school by seeking their advice and keeping them in the loop, especially during major life decisions.

Resources Mentioned in the Episode: 

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Episode 13: Seeking Academic Help


Episode 11: Impact of COVID-19 - Applying to College