Episode 77: Healthy Habits for First Gens

In January many people set goals, but how do we sustain these goals over time so that they become habits? Lilian talks about some habits that will help first gens make their journey enjoyable and sustainable post every January. 

 In this episode, Norma has a very honest conversation with Lilian about bad habits that sometimes get cultivated over time due to the pressures of being a first generation college student. However, Lilian reminds us that in the matters of health you can always  make the decision to change and build better habits that will make the journey more sustainable. 

In this episode you will hear from: 

  • Lilian, who was an athlete in college and now a registered Dietician. She discusses how she built healthy habits in college, some that she continues to practice and others that have evolved over time as she progresses through her 30s. 

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

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Episode 78: Introducing New Hosts


Episode 76: Building a Career in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion